Friday, June 10, 2011

The Dolphin

Our little dolphin completed her crash course on toddler swimming today and they had a performance day for parents to close out the session. This two weeks was Mollie's first activity where I dropped her off in the carpool line and picked her up 45 minutes later. It was such a neat experience for Dad and me to show up the last day and see all of the skills she had learned throughout the course without us there, and she enjoyed showing off for us!
We also developed great appreciation for the teachers while watching them trying to wrangle our crazy two year old who didn't always feel like listening to directions (even though the other five kids were). Mollie did a great job in class but also seemed to enjoy being the class clown and find a way to keep moving and shaking even when the directions were to sit still. I guess on the bright side, we will never say she lacked enthusiasm... or a huge, bright smile!
Diving for princesses

Back to the mischief

Showing off her prize, a rock she had to dive for at the end of class.
Hugging her swimming buddy Cate after class was complete.

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