Monday, August 22, 2011

First day of SCHOOL

Today was a big day!
We've been talking about it and preparing for it for weeks. ...0nly big girls go to school... only big girls wear uniforms. Mollie's teachers came to meet her last week at our house. After all of the preparations, Mollie woke up early today, put on her uniform, and headed to Highland Park Presbyterian Day School with a big smile. Mom and Dad were so proud, and somehow mom held back her tears (ok, not last night, but I did this morning at drop off). Maybe because Mollie said "Mommy, you will not cry". I just smiled watching my first baby, now a big three year old, walk into her classroom in her big girl uniform and I overflowed with joy when she came home and said she wanted to go to school again tomorrow. Mollie, we couldn't be more proud of you!!!

Love you Mollie Laine!

1 comment:

Jane said...

Such a BIG girl! So glad that Mollie's first day went so well.

Love, Nana