Thursday, February 2, 2012

Beach Staycation

Thanks to Daddy taking off a couple days of work, we were able to getaway and have some quality family time.  We spent our staycation at Lake Kiowa, which still felt like getting away from it all and allowed us quiet play time with just the four of us.  We planned a bunch of activites and were about 50/50 for success on each one.  When our plans did work, we had a blast...  when they didn't, we had a laugh.  What more can you expect with an infant and toddler :) Daddy, thanks for the perfect weekend of hiking, golfing, swinging, biking, playing, cooking, a little crying and most of all laughing!

"I am Papa"

The Charlie torturing begins.  We have been counting down until the day when the girls were excited to play with Charlie.  Well, the day has come and Charlie can't run away from Mollie fast enough.  The good news is Mollie doesn't give up and finds lots of joy in chasing the poor guy.

A couple practice birthday pics...

And cap off a fun trip with some fun on the golf course.  Although there isn't any excitement in the actual game yet, there is nowhere like a golf course to run free!

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