Sunday, May 10, 2015

My 7th Mother's Day

I can't say it much better than that... it is exactly how I feel.  
Little did I know the gift these girls have given me over the last seven years would be beyond my wildest dreams.  They make me a better person, bring me more sunshine and joy, make me smile bigger than before and make by belly hurt with laughter.  And all of my happy mothering, is made better by the support of the best daddy!  SO - today I am lifted up by the three people who complete my life as a mom and make every single day fun and special!  
Love you and grateful to all three of you!
Thanks for making Mother's day so special from breakfast in bread to cuddles to homemade goodies!

Mollie - this made my day - THANK YOU!

 KK - these cuddles made my day too - 

P.S Girls - 
I learned everything I know from this lady... the best!  
And got my smile from her too.  Love you mama.  So glad you're mine :)

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