Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Amazing Day

18 months is a fun time!
When I picked Mollie up at school on Tuesday, they looked at me and said, "I bet you have your hands full" ;) with a wink and a grin. This was after they told me that it appears that Mollie had been hired as the church ambassador because on their buggy ride around the church, she was saying "hello, hello" to everyone they passed. This girl has got some spunk!

We had three events today that knocked me off of my rocker.

1. When I went to get her out of her crib this morning, she heard a noise outside and said "airplane" and pointed to the window

2. When we were looking at a fish with stripes and I explained stripes, she proceeded to point to her own striped shirt and say "stripe", then point at my striped shirt.

3. She looked at a 3 year old photo of my sis that was pulled up on my computer, pointed and said very clearly "Annie"

WOW - proud mama. There must be a lot of info stored in that brain of hers that will slowly start showing itself. Fun times!

1 comment:

Grandma Myrt said...

Whew what a day with your social, intelligent little one. Yes, everything that you have been feeding her little head is starting to come out. So very exciting! Truly just the beginning of great things to come. From a proud granma