Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Our little fish

Mollie finished her first series of swimming classes today. This was REAL swimming classes. Not the dancing and singing classes we did last year. This was jump off the side and swim underwater to mom, swimming through hoops under water, floating on a noodle by yourself and of course, a lot of kicking. Mollie LOVED it. She had so much fun and was sooo good at it. She was always smiling and always the one they used for demonstrations. Of course, she has little fear, which made it interesting when she was supposed to hold on to me... and didn't want to. We had so much fun. Cheers to a summer of swimming big girl! I am so proud of you.

And here are some pics of her getting ready for swim class by piling on about 8 of my swim suits. Cute.

And her in action with all of her gear on.

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