Monday, May 23, 2011

30 Weeks!

I can finally say, the countdown is feeling close. YAY! We just returned home from our last trip until after the babe is born. We were celebrating a friend's wedding in Hershey, PA, eating chocolate and dressing up the baby bump. Here is Baby Dos, the 3 lb. butternut squash, at 30 weeks...
Mollie spent the weekend with Nana and loved all the perks that came with it!! She cruised around nana's grocery store with her own cart (how cool), had a sleepover with her cousin Madeline, went out for ice cream, got some cool new books, and most importantly had her first official ballet recital with Nana, Aunt Kelly and Madeline in the audience (pics and video to come on the recital).

Nana, thanks for everything from the photo updates to the fun activities to the recital prep!!!

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