Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sleeping in Seattle

OK, so Tyler wins for blog post title based off a movie/show, but I thought I'd try to compete :)

After weeks of counting down days, Mollie finally woke up on thursday morning, tip toed in my room and whispered in my ear "Today is the day we're going to Seattle!"  She had been telling everyone she could get to listen that she was going to visit Aunt Meghan, Uncle Tyler, Gavin and Gus.  Ryan and I were equally excited to spend some quality time with our Seattle family, and surround ourselves with the beautiful views and the fresh air of their chili fall!

Each day was a perfect mixture of exploring their gorgeous city and relaxing at home with Gus and Gavin.  Here's how it went...

Day 1

Morning at a gorgeous park.

Afternoon at the very pretty and very wet Snoqualmie Falls.

Evening was adorable bath time.

Day 2

Morning Adventure to the piers and ferris wheel to enjoy the views of the Puget Sound and downtown Seattle

And into the Seattle Eye for some lovely views and a queasy stomach

What a surprise, on the pier was the fastest carousel on the planet!! 

Afternoon was a walk to the neighborhood park, complete with the best and brightest fall leaves perfect for rolling down the hill and making snow angels!

Evening was a night out for the parents by the Seattle Gum Wall :)

Day 3

Morning was off to Gasworks Park with some really cool old machinery, lots of geese up for chasing, and  a gorgeous view of downtown.

Afternoon was cooking and relaxing while preparing for a great family dinner with the Greens

And in the middle of all of this excitement were some of the sweetest moments between cousins (and dog and cousin) while just relaxing around the house!

Meghan, Tyler, Gavin and Gus, we cannot thank you enough for hosting a wonderful weekend.  We had so much fun exploring your city and watching the cousins play and love each other! Miss you already.

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