Sunday, July 27, 2014


Kendall Kailin ~ YOU ARE THE SUN!

That is the best way to describe our baby who just turned three!

You bring joy everywhere you go with your smile, enthusiasm, sweetness and dance moves.

You are my joy.

You are everyones best friend.

You are kind and fun and hilarious.

You love to dance and sing and dress up and to keep up with Mollie.

You love to read and to cuddle and go in for spontaneous kisses.

When someone is sad you hug them and if hurt, you kiss their boo boo.

You are three and I cannot believe it.  I love that you are big enough to talk to me and sing with me, but still have the sweet little voice of a babe and can be swept up in my arms for a big cuddle!  You are pure joy little one! Thanks for sharing your joy with us.  We are some lucky parents!

Now let's party!!!!!!

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