Sunday, July 26, 2015

Our Baby is 4!!!!

No longer our little baby, but a tall, smart, funny, glowing little girl who loves dressing up, doing ballet, dance parties, playing with her sister, swimming, reading, and cuddling.  Kendall never stops talking or making us laugh, and her smile lights up a room.  Truly a bundle of joy!   

We celebrated this girl with a donut cake, bounce house, bubbles and water balloons with all of her buddies in the back yard.  Big smiles all around!!

I have had teary moments as my baby approaches 4, but then she finds me, jumps on my lap and says “Mama, I’ll always be your baby”, which just warms my heart. So, KK, as you look more like a little girl then a baby every day, I am comforted that you will always be MY baby, that we have endless memories of cuddling little KK as she grew up, and also that we have many memories to be made exploring with my BIG beautiful, loving, hilarious, energetic, sweet girl!

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