Saturday, August 3, 2019

Camp Ozark 2019

HUGE week for our whole family! 
Both of you venturing off to sleepover camp for a week.
Mom and Dad home alone.
Was a tough goodbye for Mama!
I'm proud and excited for all you will experience and a whole week of independence, 
but so sad to say goodbye.  Quite the mixed emotions.
But you two both went off with huge smiles, excited for a week of treats and horse back riding and ropes courses and parties and friends.  

I waited and waited for the first pics of your arrival to be posted. 
These warmed my heart.

And when this was posted later that night, I knew even our little was having the time of her life.

Here are a weeks worth of pics from the activities and parties and friends you made.

Pickup day - I've never been so excited to be in Arkansas.  Or almost anywhere for that matter.
And you ladies were so ready for some sleep after a wonderful week!
Cheers to camp, and cheers to you both being tucked safely into our back seat!

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