Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Three is my favorite

I've decided three is my favorite age.  It is seriously challenging, as your kids push you to be on your toes, negotiate, argue, disobey... BUT, the wonderfulness of independence, personality, sense of humor, intelligence, wit and wonder outshine all of the challenges.  And even those challenges leave you silently laughing and impressed when you're not pulling your hair out :)  As I've said before, Mollie blows me away every day.  She answers questions I never knew she could answer, she asks questions I would have never thought of asking.  She says things I hope I never forget.  She cares about others and loves to make people laugh.  Her imagination is simply amazing!

This week she melted my heart with...

When in bed reading a book, she looks at me and says "Mommy, will you stay in here forever with me?".  Well of course I will!!

And when the book we were reading had a page about the son growing up and buying a house across town, I said "Mollie, are you going to grow up and move away from this house?".  She said "Don't worry Mommy, I will live in the house next door"... and after further thought... "next door in the back yard!"  Not that I don't want to give my children wings, but that made my year!

And last night before bed "Ohhhhhh Mommy, we forgot to pray.  What would you like to thank God for?"  After I answer, she says "Thank you God for pizza, restaurants and living next door, in the backyard".  I hope she never forgets our deal, and if she does, it is documented here!

Thank you, Mollie, for squealing with joy and excitement about the littlest things and the biggest things and for bringing such delight to every day!


Grandma Myrt said...

Ok Mama Kate, I have tears in my eyes reading the dialogue between you and your 3 1/2 year old. Mollie, you are a gem! And Mama, thank you for sharing. You have made my day:)

Love Grandma Myrt

Jen said...

I've lost it reading that book!! :) It's a tear-jerker! Big hugs!