Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Magical Christmas

So SO many magical moments sprinkled into the photos below.  
Memories of pure joy I hope I never forget!
Christmas this year was literally perfect. 
The girls are such fun ages to enjoy the build up, the anticipation of the morning, opening their gifts, family time and giving gifts.  Pure delight for them, and same for us experiencing it through their eyes!  So glad to have Grandma and Grandpa with us for Christmas morning, and to be able to spend the afternoon at Nana and Papa's, then with a big family celebration at the Butler's with our cousins!

- Life size frozen dolls from Santa - Dragging them everywhere they went... sleeping with them, putting them in car seats, dancing with them.
- Handing down our American dolls from childhood in Wisconsin.
- Kendall entertained with Legos for hours, before she fell asleep with Anna in her bed and a book in her hands
- Mollie's giving us a huge, awesome handmade 2015 calendar made with her handprints
- The cousins performing Christmas Carols for the grown ups during dinner.
- Both girls LOVING playing the drums, and being grateful it lives at our cousins house
- Mollie ready to giddy up on her new big bike!
- Kendall mixing tunes on her new DJ piano

 Merry Merry from our whole family!  We are so grateful for our many blessings!

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